- IEL @ NY Climate Week (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- Awards @ Simbuild24 (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- IEL @ SimBuild24 (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- Occupant-Centric Grid-Interactive Buildings (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- CityLearn Challenge 2023 Winners! (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- Allen and Kingsley receive Award! (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- IEL @ BuildSys'23 (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- CityLearn Challenge 2023 Launched (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- IEL @ Building Simulation 2023 (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- IEL & Climate Change AI Summer School (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- MERLIN published in Applied Energy (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- CityLearn V2beta released! (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- IEL @ ICLR23 (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- Kingsley selected as graduate student editor (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- The Quest to Use AI to Make Buildings More Efficient (Cockrell School of Engineering, The University of Texas at Austin)
- CityLearn Challenge 2022 - Winners Announced! (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- CityLearn Challenge 2022 @ NeurIPS22 (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- Amazon sponsors contest on energy management in buildings (Amazon)
- New Paper: Real-world challenges for multi-agent reinforcement learning in grid-interactive buildings (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- Hackaton prize for IEL members (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- CityLearn Challenge 2022 Launched (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- NYSERDA RTEM Hackathon Demo Day (Building Energy Exchange)
- New Paper: MARTINI: Smart meter driven estimation of HVAC schedules and energy savings based on Wi-Fi sensing and clustering (Intelligent Environments Laboratory)
- Using Reinforcement Learning to Improve Energy Management for Grid-Interactive Buildings (Climate Change AI)
- The University of Texas at Austin President Jay Hartzell recognizes IEL Covid-19 Dashboard (UT President Jay Hartzell on X)
- Austin Small Business Revenue Has Long Term Impacts After Pandemic, Study Shows (Reporting Texas)
- UT researchers release new dashboard displaying COVID-19 effects on everyday trends (The Daily Texan)
- New data from UT shows drop in job postings, traffic, pollution in 2020 (CBS Austin)
- Data Shows How the Pandemic Changed Day-to-Day Life (UT News, The University of Texas at Austin)
- Mitchell Sustainability Symposium (Sustainability, The University of Texas at Austin)